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Video Systems
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VIDEO SYSTEMS IN AN IT ENVIRONMENT: The Essentials of Professional Networked
Media Author: Al Kovalick
Publisher: Focal Press
ISBN: 0240806271
- Golden Reference
- 12 Chapters
- 600 Pages-Hardback
- 225 Illustrations
- 11 Appendices
- AV/IT Glossary
Builders Websource® Editorial Review: When it comes to
understanding principles of modern networked media for video and audio, this first-of-a-kind
AV/IT book from Elsevier/Focal Press is the de facto
video system engineer's golden reference. Oriented towards the professional
media systems engineer from production to broadcast, this groundbreaking
work weaves together the essentials of networked media from "A to Z" in a
hefty 600-page hardcover with 225 professional illustrations, block
diagrams, and photographs. Author and inventor Al Kovalick writes in a
witty, practical style that's both educational and fun to read. The author
summarizes salient points in the "It's a Wrap" section found at the end of
each chapter.
Video Systems in an IT Environment provides a comprehensive treatment of key
engineering considerations
when designing networked video installations, including networking
fundamentals, virus and firewall protection, video servers, NSPOF (no
single point of failure) storage design including RAID and RAIN methods, as
well as other innovative architectures.
Real-world case studies complement the teaching benefits of this AV/IT book including specific examples by
leading-edge media companies and broadcasters such as Turner, PBS, and KQED-TV.
Chapter Highlights:
- Networked Media in an IT Environment
- The Fundamentals of Professional Networked Media
- Storage System Basics
- Storage Access Methods
- Software Technology for AV Systems
- Reliability and Scalability Methods
- Networking Basics for AV
- Media Systems Integration
- Security for Networked AV Systems
- Systems Management and Monitoring
- The Transition to IT: Issues and Case Studies
- A Review of AV Basics
Attention Home Entertainment Video Equipment Manufacturers:
Although this AV/IT book squarely aims at the professional video systems
engineer rather than the home theater systems designer, many design concepts are scalable and can applied to
design of highly reliable, fault-tolerant networked home media and
entertainment systems of the future -- ideal for emerging HDTV and IP video
delivery. Don't miss this opportunity to learn what the leading media professionals
are doing today to their infrastructure to make digital video a reality for
consumers and homeowners worldwide.

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