CAD and Drafting Software
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Under $150
Our Most Popular CAD and Drafting Software Solutions
AutoSketch 9
by AutoDesk
The strength of AutoDesk AutoSketch 9 is in its user interface and ease of use.
The innovative application wizard helps to create professional-looking
drawings by setting options and selecting symbol libraries based on the
type of drawing. For example, the Building wizard sets the scale and
actually draws a complete exterior shell based on user-defined dimensions.
AutoSketch makes precision drawing easy. |
Under $1,000
For the Professional Designer and Serious Do-it-Yourself Builder
LT 2008
by AutoDesk
AutoCAD LT 2008 is a cost-effective, 2-D CAD tool for today's design
environment. That's because there's usually an extended design team
working on every project. From the architects and engineers to the
drafters, consultants, and clients, your entire team will communicate more
easily, share data more accurately, and work more efficiently thanks to
all of the professional-strength features of new AutoCAD LT 2008. |
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