Roof Repair/Temp PatchFrom: sbert148@yahoo.com Category: Roofing Remote Name: Date: 13 Sep 2005 Time: 10:20 PM
CommentsHouse hit by Hurricane Katrina, many shingles and tar paper gone, what is the best temperary patch/cover to use without breaking the bank. The temp roof needs to last hopefully no more than 6 months, when available roofer can install a new roof. Also need to know best way to install, and what materials are needed. i.e. adhesives, chemicals, special nails, or tools. The house is 1,500 sqr feet livable, with attached 2 car garage, single story, ranch style. The roof has a medium pitch to it, somewhere around 25 to 35 degree pitch. Description of the roof is as follows: main part of house is a rectangle hip roof, the garage attaches on one side of main roof as a cross gabled roof (garage door faces front). On the other side of main roof the front bed room comes out forward. It looks like a gable as well, but its ridge is around 6ft lower than the main roof ridge, and its rake matches the hip of the main roof. Hope I described it right, used roofing terms and definitions looked up on internet.